Friday 28 February 2014

Vivere Senza Rimpianti

Tattoo Design: Vivere Senza Rimpianti
Location: Collar Bone
Date: July 2012
Artist: Mike Fischer, Head Of The Class

Vivere Senza Rimpianti means 'to live without regrets' in Italian. It is my favourite quote and means so much to me. I like to think of myself as someone who doesn't regret what I do because I know that everything I did was exactly what I wanted at some point in my life. Some people make mistakes, and I can say that for sure I have made my fair share of mistakes in my life, but I do not regret any of the things I have done. Everything that has happened, good or bad, has been a learning experience.

The reason I got this tattoo is because so often I hear people say they regret things, whether its going to a party and drinking to much or dating someone that wasn't right for them. I believe that every decision you make is made because, in that moment, its exactly what you wanted. You wanted to go to that party and you wanted to be with that person. Just because it turned out bad, doesn't mean you should regret it. I think you should take experiences and learn from them. I have made plenty of mistakes, and hung out with the wrong group of people but I would never say I regret my choices because those choices made me who I am today.

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