Friday 28 February 2014


Tattoo Design: Snakes
Location: Back of Thighs
Date: December 7th
Artist: Randy Larsen, Lucky Souls Tattoo

I know that I'm going to hear a lot of negative stuff regarding my snake tattoos. But they have multiple meanings to me. To me, Snakes don't have a negative symbolism. They represent Transformation/Change, Greek Mythology, Temptation, and Balance.

The snake is a symbol of transformation and change due to the cyclical shredding of its skin. They have the ability to shed of their old skin and reappear new and shiny. I find this meaning close to me because I strive for change and bettering myself.

I also am really interested in Greek mythology. The myth of Medusa is my favourite and the snakes represent the snakes in her hair. The snakes also remind me of Asclepius, which is the Greek god of healing. I didn't know about him until taking Philosophy and we talked about Socrates finally words before he died. So the snakes remind me of Philosophy and Greek Mythology.

Double snakes represent duality and the unification of polar opposites. They show balance and integration polarities in order to strike harmony.The reason I wanted to get two symmetrical snakes is because I am so weird about symmetry and balance. I read that the more symmetrical something or someone is the more visually appealing it is. I have always been weird about making sure I'm symmetrical.

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