Friday 28 February 2014

Endless Knot

Tattoo Design: Endless Knot
Location: Back of Neck
Date: September 29th 2013
Artist: Bry Simms, Thrive Studios

I felt like it was a good time seeing as we were in our Buddhism unit in World Religions seeing as its a Buddhist symbol. It represents multiple things such as Karma, Samsara (Reincarnation), and the Eternal Wisdom and Compassion of the Buddha, because it overlaps without a beginning or an end.

I've always believed in Reincarnation. The idea of heaven and hell just doesn't add up to me. I think my interest in reincarnation started when my sister was born, I always heard about how my sister looks like an old soul, and never really understood. Once I was able to figure out what it meant and looked into it more I found reincarnation really interesting. I also had this idea that reincarnation was like another chance for a happy life, and that until you have a completely satisfying life you continue to be reincarnated. What happens after you have that satisfying life? Your soul would go to a "happy place" of sorts. When taking World Religions we learned about Buddhism and the idea of Nirvana. I realized that my idea of the happy place lined up with the idea of Buddhist Nirvana.

The day before I got this tattoo, me and my sister went to the dollar store to get some things, and they had pixie sticks. So my sister got a handful. When the guy at the counter asked how many she had she said 10 and paid for the 10. As we were walking back home he was giggling about how she actually had 11. They are only 10 cents each so its not a super big deal, but she had still lied. When we got home I was telling her about my tattoo and what it represented as she poured her pixie sticks into her mouth. She finished off her 10th and went to open the 11th and it was completely empty. I thought that was a super funny act of Karma especially seeing as I had just gotten this tattoo. That's what you get for lying Taylor!

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