Friday 28 February 2014

Crazy Cat Lady

Tattoo: Paw Print
Location: Side
Date: February 26th 2014
Artist: Randy Larsen, Lucky Souls Tattoo

I have pretty much come to the conclusion that I'm going to be a crazy cat lady one day. I love cats so much, they do such dumb things but are so cute at the same time. I especially love my little princess Lucy.

I remember the first day I saw her, when we went camping in the backyard of my step grandparents house. They were telling us about how there was a litter of kitten that they would always feed but eventually there was only one that kept coming back. Sure enough this little kitten comes jumping through the grass towards the deck to play. She was so tiny and cute and energetic. I remember her laying completely across a pot of flowers and crushing the plants in the middle.

After plenty of convincing, picture sending and begging to bring this kitten home my mom and Joe finally said yes. I was so excited, and had already falling in love with this kitten. Later that night my dad said that the cat wasn't allowed to sleep in the tent because it would wake up and pee and he didn't want to clean it after. Lucky for Lucy, I was terrified to let her stay outside in the forest, with my luck she would get attacked by a raccoon or something. So I snuck her into the tent and she curled up beside me and fell asleep on my sweater. I stayed up all night to make sure she wouldn't wake up and go to the bathroom... she slept straight through. Clearly she hadn't had a solid nights sleep in a long time. I don't know about you, but I think that's love.

Father Figures

Tattoo: 3 Stars
Location: Behind Ear
Date: February 26th
Artist: Randy Larsen, Lucky Souls Tattoo

I have 3 very different father figures in my life. So to represent them individually would be a difficult task. Instead I decided to get 3 stars, very simple but represent different times of my life and the father figure that was there for me during them.

Although I never really knew my father growing up, talking to him now i see just how much i am like him. He is very business minded and very calm and relaxed. I don't remember him in my childhood, but hes still my father and its nice to see where you got those genetics that you clearly didn't get from your mother.

My daddy is actually my sisters dad, but hes still my daddy. Your dad is the one who raised you, the one that helped you learn to ride your bike and helped you learn your ABC's. Although we had our tough times during my 'pre-teen' rebellious years, I've grown up a lot and come to appreciate the things he does for me, especially when I think about how he did all that even though it was never really his job to raise me.

Lastly is my Step-dad, who has been around for my high school years. I just want to thank him for understanding the tough times as a teenager, and helping me with math otherwise I probably would of failed. We have had our fights but being in a house with my mom and sister, its nice to have someone else who is calm.

Roman Numerals

Tattoo Design: Roman Numerals II-VI
Location: Hand
Date: February 26th
Artist: Randy Larsen

I wanted to get a tattoo for my sister and eventually get one for my mom, but I figured that I could just get something that represents both of them. Seeing as they share the same birthday it seemed like a good idea to get their birthday in roman numerals.

Our relationships are weird, and we tend to not see eye to eye. My mom and sister are pretty much the same person. They have strong opinions and i feel like they take things to seriously, and then there is me and I just kind of go with whatever and am very calm in situations.

No matter what I love my mom and sister and now when I look down at my hand I think of them and how great it is to have them there for me even though we don't always get along.


Tattoo Design: Smile
Location: Finger
Date: February 26th
Artist: Randy Larsen

I fell in love with the beauty of photography when I was in grade 9.  That Christmas I had received a Nikon Coolpix L110 which I thought was just the coolest thing. You couldn't get me to not take pictures of everything. I loved how amazing and clear everything looked through the lens.

When I went to get my G1 I pretty much failed my vision test and realized quickly that I needed glasses. It all made sense after that. I guess the whole time the reason I was so amazed by how beautiful everything was through my camera is because it wasn't clear to me without it.

I ended up getting glasses but that never stopped my desire for photography. I currently have a Nikon D3100 and its incredible. My favourite thing to take pictures of are my sister and macrophotography images of plants and animals.


Tattoo Design: Snakes
Location: Back of Thighs
Date: December 7th
Artist: Randy Larsen, Lucky Souls Tattoo

I know that I'm going to hear a lot of negative stuff regarding my snake tattoos. But they have multiple meanings to me. To me, Snakes don't have a negative symbolism. They represent Transformation/Change, Greek Mythology, Temptation, and Balance.

The snake is a symbol of transformation and change due to the cyclical shredding of its skin. They have the ability to shed of their old skin and reappear new and shiny. I find this meaning close to me because I strive for change and bettering myself.

I also am really interested in Greek mythology. The myth of Medusa is my favourite and the snakes represent the snakes in her hair. The snakes also remind me of Asclepius, which is the Greek god of healing. I didn't know about him until taking Philosophy and we talked about Socrates finally words before he died. So the snakes remind me of Philosophy and Greek Mythology.

Double snakes represent duality and the unification of polar opposites. They show balance and integration polarities in order to strike harmony.The reason I wanted to get two symmetrical snakes is because I am so weird about symmetry and balance. I read that the more symmetrical something or someone is the more visually appealing it is. I have always been weird about making sure I'm symmetrical.

Endless Knot

Tattoo Design: Endless Knot
Location: Back of Neck
Date: September 29th 2013
Artist: Bry Simms, Thrive Studios

I felt like it was a good time seeing as we were in our Buddhism unit in World Religions seeing as its a Buddhist symbol. It represents multiple things such as Karma, Samsara (Reincarnation), and the Eternal Wisdom and Compassion of the Buddha, because it overlaps without a beginning or an end.

I've always believed in Reincarnation. The idea of heaven and hell just doesn't add up to me. I think my interest in reincarnation started when my sister was born, I always heard about how my sister looks like an old soul, and never really understood. Once I was able to figure out what it meant and looked into it more I found reincarnation really interesting. I also had this idea that reincarnation was like another chance for a happy life, and that until you have a completely satisfying life you continue to be reincarnated. What happens after you have that satisfying life? Your soul would go to a "happy place" of sorts. When taking World Religions we learned about Buddhism and the idea of Nirvana. I realized that my idea of the happy place lined up with the idea of Buddhist Nirvana.

The day before I got this tattoo, me and my sister went to the dollar store to get some things, and they had pixie sticks. So my sister got a handful. When the guy at the counter asked how many she had she said 10 and paid for the 10. As we were walking back home he was giggling about how she actually had 11. They are only 10 cents each so its not a super big deal, but she had still lied. When we got home I was telling her about my tattoo and what it represented as she poured her pixie sticks into her mouth. She finished off her 10th and went to open the 11th and it was completely empty. I thought that was a super funny act of Karma especially seeing as I had just gotten this tattoo. That's what you get for lying Taylor!

Vivere Senza Rimpianti

Tattoo Design: Vivere Senza Rimpianti
Location: Collar Bone
Date: July 2012
Artist: Mike Fischer, Head Of The Class

Vivere Senza Rimpianti means 'to live without regrets' in Italian. It is my favourite quote and means so much to me. I like to think of myself as someone who doesn't regret what I do because I know that everything I did was exactly what I wanted at some point in my life. Some people make mistakes, and I can say that for sure I have made my fair share of mistakes in my life, but I do not regret any of the things I have done. Everything that has happened, good or bad, has been a learning experience.

The reason I got this tattoo is because so often I hear people say they regret things, whether its going to a party and drinking to much or dating someone that wasn't right for them. I believe that every decision you make is made because, in that moment, its exactly what you wanted. You wanted to go to that party and you wanted to be with that person. Just because it turned out bad, doesn't mean you should regret it. I think you should take experiences and learn from them. I have made plenty of mistakes, and hung out with the wrong group of people but I would never say I regret my choices because those choices made me who I am today.